By No Name Kitchen
Here is the surprise we had for the 8th of March. Two new t-shirts in our store.
We strongly believe that we must fight for women’s rights every day, not just on 8M, and that Feminism must be inclusive and anti-racist.
Some months ago, we decided to launch the No Name Kitchen Store to keep our economic independence and to spread our message to the world. And the message we add today is that we will keep fighting against the borders.
Our clothes are made with organic cotton (certified) and water-based ink and fair-trade raw material (no worries, no women have been used as slaves in other countries to sew our clothes, as many brands do).
We use the 8th of March to remind that women (and when we talk about women, we also talk about trans women, because they are women) suffer the racist border policies in Europe and fight against them.
A topic to highlight when talking about WOMEN ON THE MOVE is that it’s common to see how international/institutional organizations use women with children in their advertisements when calling for donations. Throwing into society the image of women as victims, as weak, powerless people. But let’s remember that they are strong and fight every day. It is the patriarchal system that turns women into victims.
We send a big hug to all our sisters that are on the move. We usually talk more about men in our social media. Why? Because women are made invisible by this border European system. They are usually living in camps, for different reasons, where media have normally no access; usually victimized, making everyone forget their great strength and courage.
On the 8th of March we state that If They Touch One of Us, They Touch All of Us. That means that our feminist fight must include all women. This new design is intended to remind us that European taxes are used to torture women and girls at the borders. In Afghanistan, Taliban do not allow women to study. Did you know that our border system does exactly the same? Afghan women stuck at European Union external borders (or any women on the move) have no right to study.
We also want to send a big hug to all the sisters fighting to make a better world. It is important to highlight that the vast majority of No Name Kitchen members are women. Also, the most of our supporters. In the places where we are based, also the huge majority of activist and humanitarian helpers are women.
Patriarchy has been for centuries trying to keep us silent, but we are f*cking powerful and we know. So, toast for us with “rakija” or “kafa” in Bosnia, Serbia, and Montenegro, raki in Greece and tea with nana or a “caña” in Ceuta.