
No Name Kitchen was born in Belgrade in winter 2017, when activists started cooking alongside thousands of people who were fending for themselves after the Hungarian border closure. Since then, NNK defends the rights of people on the move and asylum seekers, challenging systemic violence and providing essential support.

VISION (what we dream): Freedom of movement for all.

MISSION (what we try): To transform Europe’s racist and violent borders into safer and non-discriminatory pathways.

TACTICS (how we do it): 

Direct Support:
Field projects providing support to People on the Move at borders where violence is systematically practiced, often backed by EU institutions.

Political Action:
Advocating and pursuing legal actions to influence policymakers and stakeholders at the EU and national levels.

Awareness Raising:
Raising awareness about the roots and consequences of the European border regime to encourage civil society’s involvement in finding solutions.


One of the key achievements of our work on the ground is the Black Book of Pushbacks, a collective effort created in collaboration with other organizations, which documents the experiences of thousands of people who suffered human rights violations along the Balkan route. By exposing this suffering, we demand accountability from EU institutions and member states for their inhumane treatment.